Portrait Image in Pushkin’s Prose of the Thirties in the 19th Century

© Media Watch 11 (4) 630-647, 2020
ISSN 0976-0911 | e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2020/v11i4/204630


Portrait Image in Pushkin’s Prose of
the Thirties in the 19th Century    


Lyudmila Anatoliyevna Krylova1, Aray Kanapiyanovna Zhundibayeva2,
Zhanbay Turarovich Kadyrov3, Zhanar Serkeshovna Talaspayeva4,
Gulnara Tagirovna Fatkiyeva5, & Yelena Viktorovna Sabiyeva6
1,3,4,6North Kazakhstan University named by M. Kozybaev, Kazakhstan
2Shakarim University, Kazakhstan
5Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, Kazakhstan



The article explores the specifics of Pushkin’s portrait as a media image based on The Shot, The Queen of Spades, and The Captain’s Daughter stories. The external portrait of his characters is concise and consists of several expressive details. The author delegates it to other characters. At first glance, the portrait is created according to romantic patterns: an unusual name, an intriguing appearance, a mysterious past, strange habits. Meanwhile, all the images are realistic. The writer creates an intriguing portrait – a false external portrait of a character hiding the image’s idea. The author reveals the essence of the character through its “internal portrait,” which can be seen on the ontological level, comprehending the genesis of its name and the life secret, the character’s real world and personal space, the character’s place in the plot of the work and the situation of choice. Pushkin’s prose is like a detective film, where the image of the character will still have to be unraveled by the reader.


Keywords:  External portrait, image, intrigue portrait, name genesis, portrait as a text, physical world



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Lyudmila Anatoliyevna Krylova is a Professor in the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the North Kazakhstan University named by M. Kozybaev, Kazakhstan. Dr. Krylova’s research interests include culturological, axiological, and ontological aspects of literary text analysis.

Aray Kanapiyanovna Zhundibayeva is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature at the Shakarim University, Kazakhstan. Dr. Aray’s academic interests are in literary theory, history of Kazakh literature, literature and linguistics of Turkic peoples, intercultural communication, literary studies, paralinguistic, Tatar morphology, the syntax of Kyrgyz, and Tatar, Turkish languages.

Zhanbay Turarovich Kadyrov is a Professor in the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature at the North Kazakhstan University named by M. Kozybaev, Kazakhstan. Dr. Kadyrov’s research areas include history of literature and theory of literature.

Zhanar Serkeshovna Talaspayeva is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature at the North Kazakhstan University named by M. Kozybaev, Kazakhstan. Dr. Talaspayeva’s academic interests lie in basic questions of the relationship between language and culture, the mentality of the Kazakh people, linguistic and cultural concepts in cognitive perception

Gulnara Tagirovna Fatkiyeva is an Associate Professor in the Department of Russian Philology and Library Science at the Kokshetau State University, Kazakhstan. Her academic interests are in Russian language and literature.

Yelena Viktorovna Sabiyeva is the Director of the Institute of Language and Literature of the North Kazakhstan University named by M. Kozybaev, Kazakhstan.  Dr. Sabiyeva’s research areas are onomastics, linguistics, toponymy, morphology, and word formation.


Correspondence to: Aray Kanapiyanovna Zhundibayeva, Department of Kazakh Language and Literature, Shakarim University, Office 513, Glinki 20a, Semey, Kazakhstan 071410