Social Media in Contemporary Marketing: YouTube Advertising for the Guerrillas

© Media Watch 8 (3) 413-422, 2017
ISSN 0976-0911 e-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2017/v8i1/49145

Social Media in contemporary marketing: YouTube Advertising for the Guerrillas

Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, India
The guerrillas of the modern day marketing arena have been eyeing the innovative strategies to promote their products. They aim to grab the maximum attention with least amount the capital spent. This is what guerrilla marketing revolves around. YouTube has evolved as one such platform. It is being used as a powerful medium by the marketing managers to advertise their products on a world-wide stage by less spending. The paper throws light on the effectiveness of YouTube as a guerrilla strategy to know what attributes in a YouTube advertisement attracts the viewers to view and like it. Content analysis of fifty advertisements on YouTube of the consumer electronics segment has been done to know how the audience response to this new form of advertising platform.
Keywords: Guerrilla marketing, customer centric approach, YouTube, content analysis, advertisement appeals, consumer electronics
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Harshita Gupta is a senior research scholar in marketing in the Department of Management Studies at Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad. Her current research interest is guerrilla marketing, advertising and other unconventional ways of marketing.
Saumya Singh a management expert is currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Management Studies at Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad. Her current research interests include: strategic management, corporate culture and macroeconomic Issues and consumer behavior