Impact of Social Media Influencer Marketing on Youth Purchase Intentions in UAE

© Media Watch |12 (3) 422-439, 2021
ISSN 0976-0911 | E-ISSN 2249-8818
DOI: 10.15655/mw/2021/v12i3/165405


Impact of Social Media Influencer Marketing on Youth Purchase Intentions in UAE

Ahmed Farouk Radwan, Sheren Ali Mousa,
MervatMedhat Mohamed, & Enaam Youssef Mohammed Youssef
University of Sharjah, UAE
Helwan University, Egypt
Ajman University, UAE 



The study analyses how youth perceive social media Influencers and whether they affect their purchasing intentions and buying decisions. It also measures influencers’ attractiveness, expertise, and trustworthiness while communicating with consumers. In addition, the study explores the types of digital interaction with influencers, measures the impact of their online marketing activities on purchasing intentions, and finds differences between youth demographic segments. A total of 350 youth participants in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) completed an online survey evaluating influencers’ characteristics, promotional videos, types of youth interaction with their content, and their impacts on purchasing intentions. The findings show that youth in UAE consider that influencers have positive personal appeals, traits, and information support to attract their followers and encourage them to purchase. Furthermore, the results reveal that influencers push youth to search for more information about the products and visit marketers’ websites. Influencers’ social media activities also affect youth’s interests, desires, and purchase intentions by helping them assess the products.


Keywords: Influencers, social media, online marketing, purchase intentions, youth, UAE




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Ahmed Farouk Radwan (Ph.D., Helwan University, 2003)is an Associate Professor at the College of Communication, University of Sharjah, UAE. His scientific interest focuses on media ethics, digital media, public relations, government communication, marketing communication, sustainability awareness, and corporate reputation.

Sheren Ali Mousa (Ph.D., Helwan University, 2013) is an Assistant Professor at the College of Arts, Helwan University in Egypt. Her research interests include media ethics, new media, online journalism, government communication, and artificial intelligence in media.

Mervat Medhat Mohamed (Ph.D., Helwan university,  2010)is an Assistant Professor at the College of Mass Communication, Ajman University, UAE and Art & Design Academy Higher Institution of Applied Art, Egypt. Her specialization includes media and society, motion media production and interactive design, and artificial intelligence in media.

Enaam Youssef Mohammed Youssef (Ph.D., Ain Shams University, 2016) is an Assistant Professor at the College of Humanities and Sciences, Ajman University in UAE, and College of Arts, Ain Shams University, Egypt. She is interested in media and society, culture studies, family sociology, and social networks.


Correspondence to: Ahmed Farouk Radwan, College of Communication, University of Sharjah,   University City Road, Sharjah, P.O. Box 27272, UAE.